The Window Seat is a series of books devoted to the idea and concepts of happiness and lifestyle. At a young age, I was fascinated with lyrics of songs. I found myself listening over and over until I felt I understood what the songwriters were trying to say. Sometimes it was easy but other times the messages were more cryptic.

As I decoded song after song and applied my interpretation, I found that a lot of these songwriters really were not very happy people and they often used music to communicate dark and angry feelings. I couldn't understand why a seemingly successful artist could be so troubled. I seldom experienced these negative feelings.

As I entered adulthood, I became more and more interested in how a person becomes "happy". I was happy most of the time. I was content and life always looked good to me. I spent years and years reading, listening to tapes, meeting the likes of Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins, Lou Holtz, and several other "motivational" experts. Although these experts were very entertaining and delivered solid messages, my research didn't show any indication that all this motivational mumbo jumbo changed anyone's attitude. It seemed you just had to have the luck of good wiring from birth.

The chapters of The Window Seat series are a compilation of the things I've learned from my research. Some are old, and well documented concepts. Some are my own conclusions and perspectives you may not have considered before. As you go from release to release in the series, the material & concepts are accompanied by more supporting research and commentary. The first release is a light, easy read. The second release adds some of my own experiences. The third release adds a bit more controversy. And so on.

As you go through the chapters of The Window Seat series, you're going to find ocassional disclaimers like this one:: Having a positive attitude does not preclude feelings of anger, spite, disappointment, and all the other "negative" emotion. In fact, because positive people tend to also display higher levels of passion, it's likely that these negative emotions are more elevated in positive thinkers. The irony is that the positive thinker welcomes these negative emotions as necessary to experience life. The ultimate  measure of a true positive thinker.

The best policy with anyone that delivers motivation, inspiration, coaching, or mentoring is to listen to them carefully but don't watch them too closely. This stuff is easier to teach than it is to practice!

The Window Seat
a book series by Michael G. Kraemer